
Shocking confession: Most people are infected with parasites. Parasites are the cause of serious diseases! There is salvation, but everyone is silent about it! Who benefits from this?

Dr. Oliver Williams is a senior pathologist at the University of Hospital with 40 years of experience.

We know how to stop this terrible epidemic, completely rid the body of parasites and save hundreds of lives, but everyone is silent about this drug. Who benefits from this?

An exclusive interview especially for TV with the chief specialist, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Oliver Williams.

— Hello Oliver! In the preliminary conversation, I must admit, you shocked me. I still can’t get your words out of my head:

"People think worms will eat you when you die, but in reality, they eat you from the inside while you are still alive."

— Yes, this is true. Almost 90% of the time when I do an autopsy, I see a terrible picture. The bodies of the dead are infected with parasites! And I see them not only in the gastrointestinal tract, as many people think. Parasites often live in the lungs, heart, liver and even the brain! Their colonies inhabit internal organs, and the larvae feed on the tissues of living people!

Cases of parasite infection and risks

— Yesterday I performed an autopsy: a 51-year-old woman was admitted to the surgical intensive care unit with a heart attack. The cause of death was numerous stenoses (narrowing of blood vessels). And then such "beauty" was recorded on x-rays. After opening the lungs, it turned out to be a cyst with worms!

Another case: Man, 61 years old. He died of cirrhosis of the liver. Relatives believed that alcohol was the cause. The man did not drink enough to cause alcoholic liver damage; here the liver was attacked by parasites. I found hundreds of channels through which worms moved.

Another incident that shocked me. The brain of a 49-year-old patient was completely infected with parasites and their larvae. The cause of death was ischemic stroke. But this is only the result!

The parasites fed on human brain tissue and ate them alive! The only thing the patient felt was a severe headache.

For most of her life, the patient suffered from headaches, insomnia and memory problems. When most of the brain was affected, epilepsy was added. The woman died six months later.

Another recent story. The patient died of colon cancer, also caused by parasites. Parasites poison healthy cells with their toxins. For this reason, they are forced to regenerate and change their structure. They then transform into cancer cells, which are more aggressive and can resist parasites. But these cells are dangerous for humans. Therefore, the tumour grows quickly and metastases form. As a result, the person dies within a few months.

"Movement" of parasites in the intestinal lumen.

This is not an approximate figure, but a real statistic since 78% of natural deaths are caused by parasites. In 2022, about 1.5 million people died.

People die because of parasites - they destroy organs, leave toxins in the blood and feed on brain and lung tissue!

80% of fatal diseases are associated with parasites!

— I can not believe this! Sounds fatal...

— By the way, did you know that humanity will be affected by a new and extremely dangerous epidemic? Following the recent wave of COVID-19, overall herd immunity has dropped to such a low level that it has allowed the worst parasitic infections to spread unchecked.

There are different types of parasites living inside each of us, but now they are growing and multiplying at such an incredible speed that hundreds of thousands and even millions of deaths await us soon. Parasites simply begin to eat us from the inside. Attention, these are real facts and no exaggeration!

Papillomas are the first obvious sign of parasite infection! Other obvious symptoms are fatigue, dizziness, migraines and bowel movements.

Types of papillomas.

Secrecy of topics and pharmaceutical products

— Why is everyone silent on this topic?! Afraid of mass panic?

— Yes, I think that's one of the reasons. In our country, pathologists only write the final cause of death, and no one says that the death was caused by a parasitic infection. However, there are many more influencing factors. Did you know, for example, that in the there are diseases that doctors do not treat at all? Parasite infestations are too often not taken seriously enough.

Medicines in the are not cheap at all, and insurance is not free either. That's why many of us only see a doctor when it's too late and the symptoms can no longer be ignored.

Do people seek medical help right away when they experience abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhoea, or bloating? But these are the first symptoms that cannot be ignored!

I have been working as a pathologist for many years. I've seen things that will make your hair stand on end. People underestimate risks. They think that parasites are worms that live in the stomach and intestines. But this is not true. There are many types of parasites.

Symptoms of parasites.

There are tiny, but very toxic ones that will poison your body. They enter the bloodstream and heart and release life-threatening toxins. It starts with ischemia, then develops heart failure, then hypertension and finally stroke or heart attack. These worms infect the lungs, and liver, move to the brain and even get into the eyes!

— What about the usual anthelmintics used in the fight against worms, which can also be bought in pharmacies? Will they bring no results?

— Unfortunately, what is now sold in pharmacies is outdated and does not give any results. Finally, parasites are very adaptable. They have long adapted to these active substances and have developed an immune system against conventional drugs.

These substances no longer pose a threat to helminths, but are still toxic to humans. This is why they have so many side effects because they destroy healthy intestinal and liver tissue along with parasites. As a result, internal organs are destroyed, immunity deteriorates and parasites multiply even faster.

Here we need a completely different approach, which has already been discovered. Some drugs paralyze parasites so that they can no longer reproduce.

Rescue found!

— Is there a solution to the problem? Can you tell us more about this?

— Certainly. There is a remedy that can reliably and safely remove all types of parasites from the body and create immunity against them. But you can't buy it at the pharmacy.

This is a Levitox. This is a unique and only two-phase drug on the market that is capable of destroying all types of parasites and is completely harmless to humans.

Levitox is an invention of the American Institute of Molecular Biology. For this, he was awarded the international prize "For a significant discovery in medicine" at the International Congress in Geneva and was recognized by the world's leading parasitologists.

Unlike other drugs, Levitox has an extremely effective, but at the same time purely natural formula, developed based on safe natural ingredients.

You need to take the capsule on an empty stomach in the morning, for 1.5-2 months. The active ingredients of this drug are deadly to parasites and completely harmless to the human body. When helminths accumulate in the body, Levitox blocks all vital functions of the parasites and makes it impossible to lay eggs. Accordingly, in single-celled parasites, the process of cell division is blocked.

In addition, Levitox contains anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating components that restore intestinal flora and disrupt the healing processes of poisoned cells and tissues.

Levitox cleanses the blood, lymph and intercellular spaces from toxic waste products of parasites and prevents the spread of papillomavirus.

Results of clinical studies of the effect of the drug Levitox. 1250 participants: Washington, Los Angeles, New York.

It seems that this is such a sensational discovery that pharmacies would have to stand in line to get such a drug on their shelves. But no. Complete silence. No one seemed to notice the discovery.

Money won't go anywhere

— But why is this happening?

— Everything is clear here. Pharmacies are, first of all, a very profitable business. Therefore, it is not profitable for pharmacies to sell products that help in the long term.

Judge for yourself. Every year people buy regular anti-parasite products, which, by the way, are also quite expensive. And the next year, tests again showed that the parasites were present again. And again you spend money at the pharmacy to buy new products. It turns out to be a vicious circle in which the pharmacy earns more and more. After all, they have thousands and hundreds of thousands of such buyers.

At the same time, pharmaceutical products destroy the stomach, intestines, liver, kidneys and other organs. And buying them again will keep you coming back to buy something else. Where? At the pharmacy, of course. And so the networks have more and more of this money.

Levitox is a product with a completely new approach. Helps get rid of the problem once and for all. Once you clear your body of parasites, you will build an immune system against reinfection.

You will no longer need other products, and the pharmacy will lose its source of income.

Effect of Levitox on your body

— How long should I take these capsules to cleanse my body?

Levitox cleanses the body step by step. We surveyed people who took the capsules and this is the conclusion we received:

1 week

By reducing the toxic effect of parasites, fatigue and apathy disappear. Digestion and appetite will return to normal. Already in the first week, you will see an improvement in your mood and performance.

2-3 weeks

Thanks to the additional therapeutic effect of plant extracts, the immune system is strengthened, and allergic reactions and other health problems are reduced.

4-5 weeks

After eliminating the toxic effect of parasites on the body, clear improvements will be visible, and a rejuvenating effect can also be noted. Rashes, including papillomas, begin to disappear.

6-7 weeks

The digestive system and all internal processes are normalized, obesity is minimized, and heart functions work properly again. After the course, many overcame all the health problems that had plagued them for many years. These capsules will extend your life by 10-15 years!

— After such a cleansing of the body with Levitox, will the condition change dramatically?

— You will notice a lot after Levitox treatment! Because parasites have a detrimental effect on the entire body. And the result of cleansing is that the body is completely renewed. And many also say they feel like newborns.

You will notice:

1. Blood pressure will return to normal
First of all, this is a complete restoration of the heart and blood vessels. Seven weeks of regular use of Levitox perfectly cleanses the vascular system. This means that the blood vessels will come to life and reduce fluctuations in blood pressure. Blood pressure level is 120/80.

2. Improves blood flow to the brain
After Levitox cleansing, the blood becomes 73% cleaner, and cerebral circulation significantly improves. Patients note the following:

3. The cornea and retina are restored, vision improves
Levitox cleanses not only large vessels and arteries from parasitic toxins but also smaller capillaries. Especially in the eyes. This leads to the renewal of retinal cells and improved functioning of the eye muscles.

4. Swelling will disappear
Correct kidney function and fluid exchange in the body are restored. The kidneys no longer retain water unnecessarily and there is no need to take diuretics.

5. Stomach and intestinal problems disappear
All serious problems caused by parasites disappear:

6. Cardiac functions are optimized
Cleansing from parasites has a positive effect on the tone of the heart muscle. In 93% of cases, tachycardia disappears, and in 99% ischemia is cured.

7. Skin and hair condition improves

The immune system begins to work at full capacity and also protects the skin from cancer!

The immune system is also dependent on the gut. If you have parasites there, they weaken our body's immune system. Immunity protects not only against viruses such as Covid-19. The main function of a strong immune system is to protect against cancer cells. A strong immune system recognizes and destroys cancer cells promptly.

An immune system functioning at least 50% is already an insurmountable barrier to viruses, and this is very important today. And this is also very important today.

My colleagues from the Institute of Microbiology and Parasitology have developed a special rapid test for online diagnostics. Anyone can take the test for free. It takes 2 minutes, but the results will tell you whether you are infected with parasites or not.

Find out if you are infected with parasites!

Run test

How old are you?


Are you a man or a woman?


What are your symptoms? (you can select several)

Find out the result


The probability of parasitic infestation in your case is 92%.

The risk of developing serious complications in subsequent months is 80%!

You need to undergo a complete cleansing of parasites, but only with the help of a natural remedy. The body's toxic load is at a critical level, so the use of other chemical antiparasitic agents may aggravate the situation.

Where to order Levitox?

— You said that the Levitox is not available in pharmacies. But where to buy it?

— All americans can order Levitox online directly from the manufacturer through a special discount program.

— Why is this product only available online?

— This happened for three reasons:

  1. Quality control. Levitox is supplied to the customer directly from the factory.
  2. Protection from intermediaries. Where the product sells for 10, 20 or even 30 times more.
  3. Fast-targeted delivery.

As I already said, the Social Assistance Fund program is already being implemented. This program allows you to order Levitox with a 50% discount.

Therefore, as a doctor, I strongly recommend: Don’t waste your time! There will never be such a second chance. How long the program will last and how long the Levitox will remain in stock is unknown.








You can pick up Levitox with a 50% discount.


Olivia Taylor New York

I ordered Levitox 8 months ago, then there was no program. I read how one woman died from a pharmaceutical remedy for parasites (I won’t mention the name). This scared me and I began to look for something more gentle and effective for myself. I definitely wouldn’t poison my body again! That's how I found Levitox. We are summer residents, constantly in contact with the earth and we need to regularly cleanse ourselves of all rubbish. We completed a course of taking Levitox capsules and now feel MUCH better. The papilloma has disappeared.

Mia Harris

Yesterday I picked up the parcel at the post office! Delivery is very fast, only 2 days! Tomorrow I start the course, I hope to improve both my health and the condition of my skin. I have papillomas. And these are 100% parasites.

Isla Mitchell Chicago

Wow, I also got papillomas, right after Covid-19. Today I also received the Levitox package. Thank you very much!

Thomas Evans Houston

My stomach has been hurting for a long time, even though I go to the doctor, but to no avail. They did everything for blood, urine, and cardiograms, but no one wanted to check me for parasites! I took the test here on the website, but I have all the symptoms - weakness, papillomas, I can’t go to the toilet for a week. I ordered the Levitox while I still had the opportunity, thanks for telling me about it.

James Robinson Phoenix

I didn’t even know that parasites could cause such serious diseases!

Chloe Anderson

Well, why can’t you start it at the pharmacy if it’s a good remedy? We know how to use a computer, but what about other people? My mother is in the village, of course, there are a lot of animals, she works on the land, I was scared of her. So what should she and her neighbours do? I consider ourselves lucky that we read it and can order using the program. And those who haven’t read it will never know.

Ava Smith

Thanks for the useful information. We took Levitox capsules for a month and both my husband and I began to feel MUCH better! And yes, in the second week, everything left the body!! I was shocked, I even took a photo!! People, cleanse your body!!

Harper Brown San Diego

God, what a nightmare!!! My tests confirmed that I have parasites. They also sent me to the pharmacy for pills, but I have diabetes and kidney problems. I decided that it would be better to buy a Levitox during the promotion, you can order it at a discount.

Harrison Baker Dallas

What did you think, now they have run away to sell you good products. They need to realize what they are paid for.

Levi Green San Jose

Oh guys, at first I didn’t think that parasites were the cause of my problems. And the papillomas came out, they weren’t there when they were born. I didn't pay any attention to it. And then my heart and liver began to play tricks. So I ordered Levitox capsules and began drinking from them every day as expected. And two days later this is what came out of me: if you’re squeamish, it’s better not to look.

Charlie Hall

Removed parasites Levitox! I feel as if I was born again! If only I had known earlier that the cause of my illnesses was these parasites! Now I have ordered for the whole family while the promotion is valid.

Max Foster Jacksonville

When my papillomas began to grow, I immediately realized that they were parasites! I ordered Levitox, but unfortunately without a discount, it’s certainly not that cheap. However, I removed all parasites from my body. The papillomas disappeared by themselves! And in my body, there was this:

Grace Williams San Francisco

Yes, the stories are certainly terrifying. And a friend of mine was taken away by the intensive care unit right from work. He was getting sick day after day. It turned out that parasites were to blame! The only thing that scares you is the thought that you are being eaten from the inside, and you don’t even know about it. In the condition he was in, it was seriously life-threatening!

Ruby Jones

Levitox helped me! I feel as if I was born again! If only I had known earlier that the cause of my illnesses was all these parasites! Now I have ordered for the whole family, my son and daughter, so far they are giving a good discount. I picked it up at the post office today.

Sophie Wilson Indianapolis

Thanks for the useful information, your article was very helpful. I had problems with the gastrointestinal tract, I took Levitox capsules for a month, my stomach stopped hurting, and my heart didn’t bother me. A good remedy.

Hunter Hughes Fort Worth

Thanks, doctor for the advice. I bought the Levitox, now the whole family will remove parasites, you scared us with your stories))

Amelia Walker Charlotte

If it’s such a good product, why don’t they sell it in pharmacies? Should I order online?

Isaac Martin Seattle

Amelia, well, they wrote to you that you can’t sell it to pharmacies.

Scarlett Davis Denver

Oh, this is my favourite Levitox. I regularly take the course twice a year. I've known about him for a long time. It is natural and does not harm the body, but it removes all the settlers at once.

Zoey White Washington

Parasites are no joke. I know it from myself. If there are at least a couple of symptoms, cleaning the body will not harm you! I believe that every person should periodically carry out preventive maintenance. Especially those who work on earth like me.

Lucy Turner

I cleaned myself with Levitox! Truly heaven and earth in terms of health. And before that, I was not treated with anything. There was both blood pressure and arrhythmia. And as soon as I cleaned myself, everything went away in an instant. I feel like I've lost 20 years.

Eleanor King El Paso

I’m a doctor myself, I’ve been studying all this for 6 years, but I’m still disgusted. Anyone who saw parasites at the autopsy will not forget this. It's good that they finally figured out how to remove them completely. I also recommend Levitox to all my patients.

Felix Thompson Detroit

I took the Levitox course on the advice of a doctor I know, a cardiologist by the way, and completed it back in March. I can say that it also has a very strong effect on the immune system. I never got sick, although all the sick people around me sneezed

Mia Mitchell

I took part in the drawing, received a very good discount, the minimum price turned out to be. To celebrate, I decided to take the full course and cleanse my body. The package arrived in 3 days, I liked the service, the managers are pleasant, polite and it’s clear that they are specialists. I paid at the post office.